User Support

Learn about GiveOps

How does GiveOps work?

Good pixie dust and please view the How it Works section for more details.

How does GiveOps decide which non-profits are available for donations?

GiveOps focuses almost exclusively on non-profits that are under the constant threat of governmental de-funding, are combating adverse political/social agendas, or are promoting and protecting social justice. The organizations we’ve aggregated are considered integral to society and the well-being of all – let’s unite and protect them. We also strive to host non-profits with the highest GuideStar transparency ratings, allowing our users to have an extra bit of peace of mind that their donations are going to the right organizations and causes.

What if there’s an organization that I believe should be included on GiveOps?

Let us know! Please visit the “Contact” link on our website and leave a suggestion. You can also reach out by email at

Getting Started

What’s the fee structure?

GiveOps charges a 10% platform fee* on top of your total monthly donation to cover our overhead. This is so we can continue to spread the good by marketing, hosting our website, and covering our other operating expenses.

*10% is the average fee almost all crowdfunding platforms charge. This fee is not tax deductible.

What Is the “Force Multiplier” Number I see on my Impact Page?

The “Force Multiplier” is a mathematical representation of the good that is realized when people come together to rally around causes. It quantifies the relative impact of your donations compared to other users. The boring formula behind this is (A * N)/M, where A = the average monthly donation amount (total monthly donation amount/total number of monthly donations); N = the total number of actively donating users; and M = your total monthly donation.

Donation Process

How and when does the money come out of my account?

GiveOps will charge your credit or debit card immediately once you sign up, finalize your allocations, and select “Set Impact.” All subsequent donations will be automatically processed and charged every 30 days afterword, not including the day your card is first charged.

Can I reset my allocations or change my monthly “giving budget?”

Of Course! You may do this anytime by going to the “Allocations” or "Partners" pages on your account and resetting your allocations or “giving budget.”

How can I stop my donations from reoccurring?

We are sorry to see you go! But if you must, all you need to do to is delete the credit or debit card you have on file or set all of your allocations to $0.00.

If I reset my allocations or change my monthly “giving budget,” when will the new allocations be processed?

If you reset your allocations or change your monthly "giving budget" and proceed to process the new donation, then your card will be charged on the day you process the new donations and every 30 days from that date.
If you reset your allocations or change your monthly "giving budget" but do not proceed to process the new donation, your card will be charged 30 days from the date of your last processed donation, but the charge will reflect your updated allocations or giving amount,

At the end of the allocation process, my total donation amount summarized in the “My Impact” page does not equal my “giving budget.” Why?

This is likely due to one or more allocations not being saved. Saving each allocation is the trick. Try resetting your allocations and giving it another shot, making sure to save each allocation once it’s set.

Non-Profit Engagement

What do the volunteering, mentoring, donating supplies, fostering animals, or spreading the word on socials buttons on my Impact page mean?

Donating is only one part of the engagement process. By clicking on these buttons, you can “raise your hand” to engage in a multitude of ways with our partner organizations.

Can you tell me more about the “Hand Raise” Feature?

Yes. By “raising your hand,” you are sending a notification to our hosted non-profits that signifies your wish to help further their mission by volunteering or donating supplies for example. We sync the multiple engagement mechanisms with the appropriate organizations such that your request is automatically sent to the underlying organizations. The organizations will then reach out directly to you to continue the engagement process.

Account Management

How can I get in contact with GiveOps?

We’ll be constantly evolving as we grow. So please, let us know how we’re doing by clicking on the “Contact” link on our website, or feel free to reach out to us via email at

Taxes and Procedural

Are my donations tax-deductible?

Contributions to GiveOps are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Every time your card is charged by Stripe, you’ll receive an emailed receipt that you can use for your tax records. These receipts can also be found on the “Impact” page of your account. An annual summary of your donations will also be available on your “Impact” page for the preceding year by the end of February.

Can you tell me more about Players Philanthropy Fund and GiveOps’ collaboration with them?

GiveOps is an Illinois corporation operating through a fiscal sponsorship with Players Philanthropy Fund, a Maryland charitable trust recognized by IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178). This means that contributions made on GiveOps are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Our collaboration with Players Philanthropy Fund is founded upon the mutual desire to innovate, do good, and improve the donor experience through technology and data-driven approaches. To learn more, please visit".

What’s a Donor-advised fund? Where does the money actually go?

Once a donation is processed by GiveOps, it is managed by Players Philanthropy Fund, our fiscal sponsor.

A fiscal sponsor is a nonprofit organization that provides oversight, management, and administrative services so as to empower the charitable giving process. As the sponsoring organization, Players Philanthropy Fund applies appropriate expenditure and quality controls, and disburses funds to the charities advised by the donor. Players Philanthropy Fund serves a multitude of functions as the custodian, administrator, auditor, aggregator, and distributor to ensure the compliant process of donated funds. Players Philanthropy Fund takes irrevocable ownership and responsibility for all donations made through GiveOps until they are disbursed to the donor-advised charity or nonprofit.

When do the Organizations receive my donations?

Players Philanthropy Fund remits donations onto the advised organization on the 15th and 30th of the month. GiveOps receives confirmations from Players Philanthropy Fund after each remittance.

Is my donation refundable?

No. In accordance with IRS guidelines, once the Players Philanthropy Fund receives your donation, they have irrevocable, exclusive ownership of the donated funds.


How safe is my credit card information?

We follow industry best practices for security, which means payment processing is PCI-DSS compliant. This means safe.
Let’s dive deeper:

GiveOps deploys Stripe- one of the most secure and reputable online payment processing platforms around- to handle all of its transactions. Credit and debit card information is fully encrypted, and is never stored on our servers.

For the nitty-gritty security specifics, please visit: .

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